
Fresh and delicious. Try this fabulous Tabbouleh – perfect for picnics and buffets.

Tabbouleh is a Middle Eastern dish traditionally made with Bulgur Wheat, Mint and Parsley. Nowadays, there are lots of varations to this dish using grains such as cous-cous and quinoa but I like to stick with the traditional Bulgur Wheat. (If you don’t eat gluten, quinoa does work as a good alternative, however).

Bulgur Wheat is a wholegrain which is low in fat, high in minerals like manganese, magnesium and iron, and is a good source of plant-based protein. In addition to vitamins and minerals, wholegrains supply important plant-based phytonutrients which can lower inflammation and help to prevent damage from free radicals.

As well as being good for us, Bulgur Wheat is really easy to cook, just requiring a soak in boiling water until re-hydrated.

This Tabbouleh is excellent to pack and take to picnics and parties, it keeps well for up to 5 days in the fridge  and compliments a huge range of dishes, such as other salads, hummus and grilled or roasted vegetables.

In addition to the Bulgur Wheat, this salad contains tomatoes, onions, lemon juice and zest, parsley and (my current addiction) mint.

Tabbouleh is so easy to make. Whilst the Bulgur Wheat is soaking, the onions and tomatoes are finely chopped, the lemon zested and juiced and the herbs finely sliced. When the grain is plump and delicious, the vegetables and herbs are stirred in along with the lemon. The salad is seasoned to perfection and your Tabbouleh is ready to serve. Simple!


If you try my Tabbouleh, please let me know here in the comments. You can also tag a picture in Instagram and give me a like on Facebook.


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Course Main Dish
Course Main Dish
  1. Add your Bulgur Wheat to a large bowl and cover with boiling water. Place a lid or plate over the bowl and leave to soak for around 30 minutes to re-hydrate. Plump the grains with a fork.
  2. Add the diced Tomatoes and Onion, along with the Herbs and Lemon Juice and Zest. Season well with Salt and Pepper and your Tabbouleh is complete!
  3. Serve straight away or refrigerate for up to 5 days. I think it is best served at room temperature.

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